Where to study?

Diploma professional
for 2 years
Bachelor’s degree
for 3 years
Dual degree program
From 4 to 6 years
Master's degree programs
From 1 to 3 years

La Trobe University, Sydney
rating uniqueness of the program

William Blue College of Hospitality Management
rating uniqueness of the program

Billy Blue College of Design
rating uniqueness of the program

Holmes Institute
rating uniqueness of the program

Western Sydney University
rating uniqueness of the program

The University of Sydney
rating uniqueness of the program

University of Technology Sydney
rating uniqueness og the program

Australian National University
rating uniqueness of the program

Macquarie University
rating uniqueness of the program

Monash University
rating uniqueness of the program

New South Wales
rating uniqueness of the program

Navitas English
rating uniqueness of the program

Australian International College of English
rating uniqueness of the program